Sunday, 30 May 2010

Reasons to be cheerful.........(part 3)

"......Summer, Buddy Holly, the working folly
Good golly Miss Molly and boats
Hammersmith Palais, the Bolshoi Ballet
Jump back in the alley and nanny goats......."

…..Part 1
The 2010 Season starts:-

When we arrived on the 1st of May everywhere was deserted, no sun beds on the beach, no bars or restaurants open and nobody on the streets or beach, San Stefanos had a sort of melancholic tranquillity about it.
Over the next few days the locals got stuck into cleaning, painting, tidying and building work:-
The hotel where Becky and Siobhan are staying is nearly finished......
and the village gradually came back to life. It has been a very wet and windy winter here, not as cold as the UK, but pretty stormy for many months and the evidence of this could be seen on the beach where all the winter’s debris and litter had accumulated and countless tonnes of sand had been washed away;
The leaning lifeguards chair
Mountains of seaweed and debris had piled up, and a caravan that provides hot and cold drinks on the beach during the summer had been completely washed away! Although someone had rescued the drinks fridge and tied it to a pontoon to stop it washing away. Parts of the caravan are now being washed up a mile away up towards the far end of the beach.

There has been an air of anticipation all over Corfu; locals, bar owners & ex-pats all wondering what will happen to the Greek economy and what effect this will have on the coming season. One major change has been the introduction of loads of tax inspectors, checking and checking again the books of all the business’s. Everybody is having to issue receipts for things so it can be traced back for tax purposes, this is so against the Greek & Corfiot way of life, tax is to be avoided at all cost! There is a sense of injustice locally, as many high paid lawyers, doctors and of course politicians seem able to avoid paying tax and politicians are immune from prosecution, for any crimes they may commit, (that sounds familiar) VAT has gone up twice in recent weeks (meaning that shops bars couldn’t give receipts until their tills had been changed each time). Drinks, cigarettes & petrol have all gone up in price, petrol prices reaching the dizzy heights of 1.60 a litre at the start of May. The only bonus for the average man is all this has meant that the smoking ban has fallen by the wayside.

But life goes on and we all fall into doing what we do best! Keith has been out getting gigs, 4 nights a week lined up with further opportunities of work as the season progresses.
And we have had our first visitors, Kate, Jason & their 3 year old daughter Ella.
They are friends of Bob & Bev’s and they stayed with us in our studio for the 1st week of the season, we showed them some of the delights of the island and our resort and of course, ‘you know who’s’ gig at The Athens bar!
The weather was kind to them and there was only one day when it was cold and windy, but the day they left, storms came in high winds, rain,
The view from our balcony
more wind lots more rain and thunderstorms; in all, the next 6 days it peed down and was so cold at night we retreated back into our sleeping bags which we bought to keep warm on the boat overnight!
The veg we planted at the house were flooded, but the ones in the' lower field' have thrived.
Liz’s dentist experience:-
For several weeks, possibly months Liz has had an ongoing problem with a tooth ache, she’s been to the dentist in the UK umpteen times, had some major work done on it, lots of antibiotics and spent loads of money trying to get it sorted. Only to arrive in Corfu with….. Toothache. Having consulted locals about how good or possible it was to visit a dentist over here, she decided enough was enough and we went to Sidari to “book” an appointment.
The dentist is over a parade of shops so we trudged up the stairs and through the glass doors of a waiting room, there was no one around so we walked in sat down, then decided after a few minutes to see if there was anyone around! Liz opened a door to see a female dentist working on some blokes tooth; she quickly closed the door and waited.
This turned out to be a lucky move because 5 minutes later this man came out dressed in oily overalls, if we hadn’t popped our heads around the door Liz would have thought he was the dentist and run like hell!
The dentist then called Liz into the room, she told her the problem, still thinking she was booking an appointment, and was promptly sat in the chair, given an injection and minutes later she was minus a tooth and 50 euros lighter! She had never had a tooth out before and was rather shocked by the force required and the amount of blood that ended up all over the dentist! She said it reminded her of a scene out of a horror movie! Still it’s done and now she has one thing less to complain about after the weather, the heat, the cold, the sun, the rain, the hard beds, the birds, the cockerels, the noise of the strimmers etc…. (and keith!)
…..Part 3
Our first month here

Liz is all better now!!
We have been meeting up with all our friends that we have made here over the last 4 years. The veg is growing well. We have filled our new freezer that we brought over in the car from the UK. Keith has work.....
...... (and Liz hasn’t) Although she is happily employed using our Italian made washing-machine that we bought from an expat (Kath), on line before we arrived. We arranged to collect it from a man who was storing it for her in an old house in the back of beyond somewhere near Sidari! We loaded it into the car got it home, and with a 'bit of help' from Bob ('Keith and DIY' is like 'Liz and work') it is now plumbed in, the only issue with it, is that all the operating instructions are in Italian, so we have worked out temperature & spin and where the powder goes, then Liz donnes her black dress and hey presto becomes “domestica greek godess!!”

And finally……. the good weather is here:O)!

"....Why don't you get back into bed
Why don't you get back into bed..."

Sunday, 16 May 2010

"Me and the Farmer get on fine........."

"............Through stormy weather and bottles of wine........”

In our aim to become more self sufficient this year, we have decided it would be a good idea to grow some of our own veg . So Keith and our friend Bob (in the guise of Ralph and Ted from the “FastShow”); Have been mostly...... working in the lower field! Last year, over a glass or two of Ouzo, with our friends Bob ‘n’ Bev, we talked about using the large expanse of wilderness behind their house in Aviolotes. It was an old olive grove, long since deserted and sold off to them to build their house, we concluded that if it could be ploughed and rotivated we could grow some veg for our communal use. And what seemed like a good drunken idea turned into reality when Bob arranged for “Spiro”and his tractor to pull out some old tree stumps and clear his land. We were committed to the ‘goodlife’ !

We all arrived back here in Corfu in May having acquired various gardening tools and packets of seeds, bulbs and plants to stock our veggie experience. Bob proudly showed off his latest purchases; an electric rotivator and having watched a programme of the “hairy bikers” showing off some speciality potatoes (red & blue coloured) they’d brought some of those as well! We were mightily impressed.

A couple of days after arriving we got to work on the lower field, Keith & Bob doing most of the donkey work

although Liz and Bev were allowed to drive the rotivator a couple of times when the boys had finished playing ,
and Liz planted all the peas, (which is nice)....... then had a well earned cigarette or two!! We have planted seed potatoes, onions, carrots, beetroot, peppers, garden peas, various salad seeds, some tomatoes, peppers, aubergines, courgettes, and melons.
It is amazing how fast everything grows here, within days things started sprouting up, we have now been here 2 weeks and already things are coming up, tomato plants are flowering, all the seeds we planted are coming through, this weekend we had a 12 hour downpour followed by hot sunshine and as a consequence our little plantation looks like a school experiment; you know, the one, when you leave cress on blotting paper on a window ledge...... Today we have been mostly ........putting netting up for our peas, and banking up the beds around the potato plants, and sitting watching it all grow!!
It is going to be so nice eating our own produce, although Liz is still unsure about eating anything that is grown in soil, as all her veg normally arrives clean from the supermarket! There is still a bit of educating to be done there I think!

“......Me and the farmer like brother like sister
Get on like hand and blister,
Me and the farmer.......”

Sunday, 9 May 2010

"Wherever I lay my hat (or sleeping bag)......that's my home..."

.........I’m the kind of guy who’s always on the roam.......

This year we started our journey with an overnight stop at Paddy and Lorraine’s new home just east of Leeds. In the morning we had one last trip to Morrisons to stock up on food for the journey (we are trying to do it cheaper this year ;O))
Once on the Hull ferry, and loaded down with the finest deli picnic that Morrisons in Knottingley could muster, we set off on our fourth annual 1000 mile road trip across Europe! “We dined on mince and slices of quince, wrapped up in a 5 euro note”. The only cash we spent on board was to stock up on duty free fags and Gin for the journey south. We had imagined this time that the car would be relatively empty compared with previous years but it was rammed full as usual! We had presents for relatives along the way and holiday essentials for some of our visitors, and what seems like a years supply of tins of tuna & tomatoes, oh and an upright freezer! There seemed to be just about enough room for the two of us in the front.

Arriving at Europort, Rotterdam
The weather was glorious all the way through Holland and Germany!
Picnic in Holland
We did our usual overnight with Paul and Milena in Heidleburg, where we dined on fresh seasonal asparagus with Paul’s home-made garlic mayo. We had an equally glorious day travelling through the Alps to Milan,
and we considered going over the San Gottard pass instead of doing the 17km tunnel but as it turned out the pass was closed due to an avalanche and too much snow...... so tunnel it was!
We spent two nights in Milan as Debbie and Franco’s guests; the first night we all went out for a meal and sampled the delights of Milan City by night.
Starting with a happy hour in a bar where Elle’s friend Vanessa works! The happy hour here is not a cheap “drink all you can” option; but an 8 euro “buy a drink and eat as much hot and cold buffet as you want!”

We later wandered to the city centre square where the Duomo Cathedral is. As we wandered back to the car we heard shouts and horns etc... it turned out that Inter Milan had just beaten Barcelona to get to the final of the Champions League, so as many fans as possible on scooters or in cars were blowing their horns and waving giant flags heading for the city square to celebrate into the small hours.
The following day we went shopping with Debbie to the local Carrefour hypermarket to stock up for the journey and buy things that you just can’t get cheaply in Corfu, like pasta and parmesan cheese. We spent another pleasant evening with the Sannelli family, eating, drinking and watching football.
In the morning, as the sun rose we hit the road to avoid the morning rush hour madness on the Milan motorways and arrived in Venice before 10am. We were on board the ferry by 11.30!! This year we have booked as foot passengers with NO cabin (to save money!) but we were well prepared, with 2 sleeping bags and 2 self inflating mattresses and we had seen many people camping out on deck on previous trips and thought it looked easy. We picked our spot to camp and set up our beds, cool box and got the wine out ready for the long haul!
There were plenty of other people doing the same around us and it all felt very cosy. (Although Keith did feel quite apprehensive, Liz and camping are never together in the same sentence and he knew there was always the possibility that she could wake up in the middle of the night shouting “I can’t cope with this”)
The ferry was fairly quiet and as we sailed out of Venice it felt quite chilly!

We had lunch, followed by a nap to try the sleeping bags out for a couple of hours. But when we woke up we were the only ones left on deck! Everyone else had retreated to the warmth of indoors. Because it was absolutely blowing a gale...... plastic chairs were blowing past us on deck and as we tried to pack our stuff away we just felt ridiculous!! We managed to get inside eventually and sat in a lounge to plan our next move.
It didn’t take us long to decide to get a cabin and as the ship was so quiet they were offering cabins for next to nothing. Liz booked a cabin just for herself which turned out to be only 80 Euros and a 4 berth! Result!! So we sat in our warm cabin ate all the salami, cheeses & seafood deli stuff we’d bought in Italy drank our wine and felt quite smug as we tucked up for the night in a warm cabin.
So all of you who were laying bets that we wouldn’t be able to cope with camping on board, that will be the easiest few quid you have ever made.

We woke up just off the coast of Corfu with the sun beating down while we watched our destination sail into view. We arrived in Port at 1pm drove off the ferry and within an hour we are in San Stefano for the summer.
We are back at our lovely house on the hill, overlooking the sea.
...."For I'm the type of boy who is always on the roam,
wherever I lay my hat that's my home,
I'm telling you that's my home....."