It’s been weeks since our last confession, and its not that we had nothing to say it’s just that we were so busy doing stuff with our visitors. Then when everyone went home we just stopped! And did nothing for several days in a daze!
Anyway here is a brief summary and pics of the last 7 weeks
In one crazy week we had 17 family members staying in San Stefanos, some with us (Gemma etc.), others, mainly Helen & Martins family, in apartments just up the road from us, it was a bit like a re- run of the wedding holiday. We managed to fit in a Greek night with dancing, at Manthos Taverna,
some dangerous ball games in the Athina pool and as we had little kids with us, so lots of digging in the sand. Adults only though!! Kids are only there to watch and learn!

We also dragged numerous family members to Keith’s gigs so the bar owners were very happy. It was Adams birthday during that week so a drunken night out in Sidari took place ending in a boozy gig at Napoleons bar
where Keith was playing, then some late night dancing in the Condor till the small hours.. Some of the gang went to Aqualand one day and had an amazing day out (see Caitlyns blog) it was a crazy action packed week.
Helen & Martin & family left and we had a couple more weeks with Gemma & the kids and Adam, who was joined in the second week by Amanda, who missed him so much she came back for another week after she’d gone home.

One of the highlights of the week was hiring a high powered boat for the day; we all piled into the boat and spent lots of time jumping in and out of coves snorkelling (and caught a couple of starfish)

and generally acting like big kids whilst the little kids watched on, although Finley did have a swim in the sea and Arwen threw up in the boat.
We carried on business as usual at night with the gigs, but during the day we walked miles with pushchairs and stuff up and down the hills and across the beaches, Liz has now got ‘buns of steel’ and is in danger of becoming muscle-bound (maybe)
We carried on business as usual at night with the gigs, but during the day we walked miles with pushchairs and stuff up and down the hills and across the beaches, Liz has now got ‘buns of steel’ and is in danger of becoming muscle-bound (maybe)
All summer we have continued to gig constantly 4,5 sometimes 6 gigs a week, even in August, when traditionally Greek bar owners expect their bars to be full without paying out for entertainment, if a gig has been dropped there always seemed to be 2 others who wanted Keith to play at their bar. Also people who saw Keith last year have come back and said hello again, so slowly we are building a reputation just as some of the established artists on the island have.
Keith has been invited to play in jamming sessions with other muso’s on Monday nights in Roda and a couple of weeks ago he was asked to do a gig in Ipsos with a Greek band who we met last year.
Some friends from Preston Julie, Claire & Sarah (all muso’s)
came to Corfu for a week, Clare was keen to do some singing and ended up doing a spot at 3 of Keith ‘s gigs, and got offers of work for next year if she wants it. (That’s how Keith got started). Its been a lot of fun and we have made some great friends and got to know a lot more people through the music this year.


“……You and I have memories
Longer than the road that stretches out ahead…..”

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